Regarding computer terminals (such as those that connect to Microsoft Remote Desktop Service), there is little benefit to purchasing units bran-new. Bran-new units can cost as much as a standalone PC, yet usually have no benefit over a unit procured at a fraction of the price through a site such as Ebay. The components of a terminal are ..
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Terminal computing doesn’t require much computing power of the clients. With minimal time investment, your old PCs may be able to be converted into wonderful Remote Desktop terminals. It is probably safe to assume that your old PCs have an obsolete Operating System (OS) that is no longer secure. So, the first step is to ditch that baggage and get an LTSP server going ..
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We’ve already written about how converting standalone PCs to dumb terminals can simplify and standardize your computing environment. A great way to enhance the terminal strategy is to use a Linux LTSP server to “power” the dumb terminals. Dumb terminals require a basic operating system (OS) that provides basic keyboard, video, mouse, network, and a remote desktop client application (for connecting ..
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